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We're so thankful for you!

We recently closed out our 2022–2023 fiscal year, and there was so much to celebrate. From our work in caring for the vulnerable to the immense success of Spark to the launch of our Face Jewish Hate campaign, your generosity has underpinned every contribution to a stronger and more vibrant Jewish future.

Each one of us chooses to give for reasons that are unique and meaningful to us. But what’s true for all of us, is that we do it because we care about the greater good and a have a desire to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We’re so grateful for your support this and every year!

Your support of CJP makes a huge difference in Greater Boston and beyond. You helped community members…

Image: DecorativeFeel a sense of belonging. 

“For me, CJP was my launchpad into making friends in Boston. It became a huge anchor to the Jewish community and a way to make a lot of social connections very early on. That has stayed with me ever since.”
– Aaron Ganz, young adult community member


Image: DecorativeBuild a strong Jewish network.

“I had the best summer ever, and for the first time, I really felt good to be Jewish. It’s a hard thing to explain, but it’s very powerful.”
– Boston Onward Israel participant

Image: DecorativeFind a deeper connection to Israel and Judaism.

“CJP has the amazing power to convene. Thank you for convening Jewish professionals and volunteers in a great atmosphere of caring. We must collaborate, coordinate, and together, deal with the many ‘oys and joys’ of our community.”

– Jewish Communal professional


Thank you for your generosity. We can’t wait to share more with you in the coming months about how together, we’re building a thriving Jewish community and creating a better world for all.

Have a healthy and happy summer!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Marc Baker
