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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CommUNITY Israel Dialogue?

Israel has become a volatile issue in American Jewish life. Conversations about Israel are often rife with tension, dividing us as a community and turning people away.  While we may disagree on policies and principles, we as a community should still be able to engage in thoughtful and respectful discussions of the issues and express our connection to the state. In this spirit, CJP has joined with Resetting the Table and organizations in our community to unveil the CommUNITY Israel Dialogue, an initiative to promote productive conversations around the issues that matter to us as a community.

What is the goal of the program?

The CommUNITY Israel Dialogue is about changing the culture of conversation in our community.  It’s about enabling and encouraging people to join the conversation and feel heard.  The program is not about trying to reach consensus, but rather about enabling us to talk about Israel in a constructive manner even in the face of strong differences.

What will be taking place?

The CommUNITY Israel Dialogue will run throughout 2017.  A community-wide event dedicated to the initiative and celebrating the life and legacy of Shimon Peres (z”l), one of Israel’s most beloved statesmen, will take place in early 2017.

The year-long program will include Town Squares where members of the community can come together in dialogues facilitated by Resetting the Table to address issues of concern with respect to Israel.  We will also offer workshops for leaders of community organizations to learn tools and skills to foster constructive dialogue in their institutions.

What Kind of Issues Will Be Discussed?

At Town Square events, we will engage in dialogue on complex issues that are important for people in our community. These may include: What are the boundaries of ‘legitimate’ and ‘illegitimate’ criticism of Israeli policy? Are settlements an impediment to peacemaking? How should Jewish communal organizations relate to the new Administration?

Who is leading the effort and what organizations support the CommUNITY Israel Dialogue?

A Task Force of diverse community leaders is helping to shape and guide the CommUNITY Israel Dialogue. Resetting the Table is CJP’s lead partner in designing and facilitating Town Squares, workshops, and ongoing programs with community institutions. We have reached out to organizations in the community, including Jewish day schools, synagogues, and local organizations, and asked them to join us in this initiative. The list of organizations can be found here.

What is Resetting the Table?

Resetting the Table is a national organization that works with Jewish communities to build meaningful dialogue and deliberation across differences on Israel. Since 2013, their programs have reached more than 13,000 participants. Learn more about Resetting the Table here.

How can I take part?

We encourage you to take part in the CommUNITY Israel Dialogue. Stay tuned for information on upcoming events and articles about the program. For more information, contact us at