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Follow-Up Projects: Nepal January 2020

Learn how Project Inspire participants have shared their experience and made an impact in Boston.


“Travelling with Project Inspire could not have been more thrilling, exciting, and dare I say it, inspiring. I got to meet the phenomenally kind, gracious, ambitious, and hopeful local people, experienced a true cross-cultural immersion, enjoyed the beautiful Himalayan landscapes, the rich languages and religious expressions, fostered my sense of Jewish Identity, and journeyed with my amazing co-travelers. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. Coming back, I couldn’t have been more excited to share my inspiration with my community by giving a speech at Temple Emanuel in Newton. My talk highlighted the amazing grassroots impact that Israel is having promoting sustainable organic farming, entrepreneurship, innovation, healthcare, women’s empowerment, education, and child advocacy. I am extremely blessed and grateful to live in a community that truly lives the Jewish principle of tikkun olam, of which Project Inspire is a stalwart extension.”


Ayelet & David

“We partnered with the Riverway Project at Temple Israel of Boston to give a short talk after Friday night services about Project Inspire and our experiences traveling in Nepal. We then engaged in individual discussions with community members during dinner, going into more depth about our journey and providing information about future trips. Our experiences in Nepal highlighted some of the good that Israel does in the country and through the trip, we came to appreciate both the beauty and the immense challenges that the country faces. At the conclusion of our trip we had great appreciation for the resilience of the Nepalese people, and were able to answer the question posed during our talk: ‘How many Nepalese Jeep drivers does it take to free a little blue truck from a one-lane muddy Nepal hillside?’ (Answer: Many)”

Brandon and Rachel

“For our project we combined efforts to blend our love of photography and local business with our new-found passion for the culture and cuisine of Nepal. We hosted an event at the home.stead café in Dorchester, featuring Nepali cuisine, Nepali music, and a curated set of our trip photos that told the story of our journey. We spoke about our experience on Project Inspire and shared the story of Israel’s international development work in Nepal. We then finished up the evening with a conversation around the productive discomfort and curiosity that arises when we are guests in a place far from home.”



“My time in Nepal with Project Inspire truly lived up to its name. It was such an inspiring experience, and I was eager to share my adventure with my friends and family. Nepal is a unique and beautiful place, filled with the most warm and welcoming people. I was excited to invite a group of friends to a dinner where I aimed to capture and share the spirit of Nepal. Surrounded by plenty of Nepali food thanks to a local Himalayan restaurant, I shared stories of incredible Israeli NGOs like IsraAid, that are working to empower the Nepalese people, and the many ways women’s empowerment is being prioritized across Nepal. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to shed some light upon all the amazing work Israel is doing across the globe and spread the word about all that Nepal has to offer.” 



“After our trip, I had to spread the word about the great work of Nepali and Israeli organizations we visited. Telling my immediate friends and family just didn't seem enough, so I sent an article to eJewish Philanthropy. Here’s the crux: “The western world focuses heavily on Israel, but hardly anyone is talking about the money Israel’s invests in global capacity building. As both an American and Israeli citizen who is deeply engaged in the world and driven by my Jewish values, I am acutely aware of my enormous responsibility as a Global Jewish Citizen. What more can I be doing to repair the world? How can I care for a stranger I may not have even met? What is my responsibility to others?” 



“To inspire my network of close family and friends, I hosted a Shabbat dinner at my mom’s house and a Saturday night dinner in the city for friends (I also plan to keep on sharing about my experience!). At both meals, my guests listened with curiosity as I shared Project Inspire’s mission and my own personal journey in Nepal. In particular, I spoke about how the Embassy of Israel in Nepal has partnered with a local school to provide students with a free hot lunch, that led to a significant increase in enrollment. I explained the work of IsraAID and visiting the SOS Children’s Villages, where orphaned children, can live in a family environment.  I also spoke about how HoneyAID empowers women and provides sustainable income through beekeeping. Everyone left inspired after learning how Israel is aiding a developing nation and curiosity for how they can get involved.”



“During our visits to sites and communities in Nepal, I was moved by the warmth and hospitality of our hosts and their passion describing their work across many sectors such as education, healthcare, and agriculture. For my project, I hoped to recreate a piece of this inviting and educational atmosphere. I hosted a group of friends for a literal taste of Nepal with catered food from a local Nepali restaurant and a brief talk highlighting my experiences and reactions to the projects, sites we saw, and people we met.”



“Before the Project Inspire Nepal trip, I knew I wanted my project to involve food. I love to cook and host gatherings, and I thought it would be an enjoyable way to share my unique experience in Nepal with my community. I hosted a Sunday brunch at my home for some of my close friends. It was wonderful to show photos, tell stories of the incredible people we met and activities we participated in and reminiscence all at the same time. This trip was unlike any other program I have participated on before and through this gathering I hope it inspired others to join a future trip or get more involved! #VisitNepal2020”



“During my trip to Nepal, there was a strong theme around women empowerment and the investment Israel & Nepal are making in women and their communities. For my project, I hosted a women's lunch and learn at my work (Salsify) where I spoke about ways NGOs and IsraAid are partnering with local communities to support women through entrepreneurship, agriculture and healthcare. The lunch and learn inspired young women adult professionals to think outside of their comfort zone and understand how they can make micro choices every day to improve the world we live in.”



“My experience with Project Inspire changed the way I think and act in the world. Coming back to Boston, I decided to inspire other people by sharing the impact Israel, one of the smallest countries in the world, is making in Nepal and around the globe. I began by hosting close friends for a Shabbat meal, where I shared my thoughts on my journey. Next, I gave a presentation to my work colleagues, who are Israeli, but knew little of Israel’s international development work. Eager to continue sharing, I decided to leverage my role as a resident of the Fenway Moishe House to host a shabbat gathering for CJP’s LEADS program.”



“Project Inspire allowed me to learn about international development strategies that have been successful in Nepal, and I wanted to share this with the next generation of changemakers in international relations. I spoke to over 200 students at Northeastern University’s Innovative Model UN conference, addressing assets-based development and how Israeli NGOs adopt this framework for their development projects in Nepal. The group of middle and high schoolers spent the day debating the best strategies to improve water access, international security, and global health threats. I centered my keynote around a strategy for thinking about these problems, and it was a great way to get students in the mindset for the rest of their conference. I ended my talk with a call to seek out ‘productive discomfort’ and build empathy for the communities they want to support.”